Zodiac - Astro


Natal Chart Reading is a personalized astrological analysis that deciphers the unique positions of the planets at the exact moment of your birth.
Bodies at the time of each person’s birth, this analysis reveals insights into the strengths, challenges, and potential harmony in a relationship.
Predictive astrology is a branch of astrology that uses celestial movements and positions to forecast future events and trends in a person’s life.
Electional astrology is the art of choosing the most auspicious and favorable times to initiate important events, such as weddings, business launches, or major decisions.
Financial and Business Astrology is a specialized branch of astrology that focuses on analyzing celestial patterns and planetary influences to gain insights into financial markets, economic trends, and business strategies.
Horary astrology is a specific branch of astrology used to answer specific questions or address pressing concerns by casting a chart for the exact moment when the question is asked.
Medical astrology is a branch of astrology that explores the connection between celestial influences and an individual’s health and well-being.
Spiritual guidance is a form of support and counsel that helps individuals explore and nurture their inner spirituality and connection with the divine or higher self.
Career guidance is a professional service that helps individuals make informed decisions about their career paths and development.
A psychological horoscope, also known as a psychological astrology reading, is a specialized astrological analysis that delves into an individual’s psychological makeup and inner workings.
Astrological coaching is a personalized and transformative practice that combines the insights of astrology with life coaching techniques.
Astrological counseling is a therapeutic and supportive practice that combines astrology with psychological insights to assist individuals in addressing personal and emotional challenges.